We kindly ask you to reference the EMUstack package and its authors in any publication for which you used EMUstack. Currently, the best publication to cite is our method paper (a paper on the EMUstack package as a whole is forthcoming):

Kokou B. Dossou, Lindsay C. Botten, Ara A. Asatryan, Björn C. P. Sturmberg, Michael A. Byrne, Christopher G. Poulton, Ross C. McPhedran, and C. Martijn de Sterke "Modal formulation for diffraction by absorbing photonic crystal slabs" JOSA A, 29, 817-831 (2012)

The numerical method implemented in EMUstack is described in detail in the following reference:

Kokou B. Dossou, Lindsay C. Botten, Ara A. Asatryan, Björn C. P. Sturmberg, Michael A. Byrne, Christopher G. Poulton, Ross C. McPhedran, and C. Martijn de Sterke "Modal formulation for diffraction by absorbing photonic crystal slabs" JOSA A, 29, 817-831 (2012)

EMUstack was developed to study nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications. It's applications have since been shown to be much broader. To our knowledge EMUstack has been used to study circular dichroism, extraordinary optical transmission, plasmonically enhanced photovoltaics, nanohole array photovoltaics and fibre drawn metamaterials. A partial list of papers whose results were obtained using the EMUstack package follows: