The source code for EMUstack is hosted here on Github.

The latest release can be downloaded from here, and comes with pre-compiled libraries.

EMUstack has been developed on Ubuntu and is easiest to install on this platform. On other linux distributions either use the pre-compiled libraries of install them from the package manager or manually.

Simply 'sudo apt-get install' the packages listed in the dependencies.txt file and then run

From within the EMUstack directory this would look like

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-nose gfortran make gmsh libatlas-dev libblas-dev liblapack-dev libsuitesparse-dev bash


UPDATE: the current version of SuiteSparse is not fully compatible with 64 bit Linux... a solution to this is to backport SuiteSparse 3.4 from Ubuntu 12.04 using the method described here. Alternatively the pre-compiled libraries have been shown to work on Ubuntu 14.04

If not using Ubuntu, the easiest option is to try using the pre-compiled libraries included in the release download.

All that is required here is to switch to a slightly modified Makefile. The installation then proceeds as above.

From within the EMUstack directory this would look like

cd backend/fortran/

mv Makefile Makefile_ubuntu

mv Makefile-pre_compiled_libs Makefile

cd ../../


If the provided libraries are not compatible with your system, you will have to install SuiteSparse manually. Be sure to download SuiteSparse version 3.7 or any less than v 4.0.

Tips for this installation are given in the documentation.

When you launch your instance select 'Boot from image' and select the public image called 'EMUstack_platform'

Alternatively, select the 'NeCTAR Ubuntu 12.04' image and follow the instructions above.